Advertising Campaign

Advertising Objectives

  1. Focus on the media campaign of Taipei Medical University’s Office of Continuing and Extension Education (TMU OCEE).
  2. Increase the public’s awareness and favorability of TMU OCEE.
  3. Enhance consumers’ knowledge about and engagement with TMU OCEE.


This round of media advertising and purchasing not only promote the brand image of TMU OCEE but also allows consumers to learn about the medical specializations of TMU that separate it from other extension education organizations. This advertising campaign includes a dynamic webpage that integrates the featured courses to introduce more people to the professionalism of TMU so that if they ever seek further education in day-to-day healthcare, TMU OCEE will be the first option that comes to their mind.


Bus Advertisement:

The bus advertisement uses a simple visual style to present the concept of “Number 1.” The creative concept of “Number 1” is presented with images of students from all walks of life who choose TMU as their top choice for extension education. The text “Taipei Medical University, Office of Continuing and Extension Education, Number 1 Brand in Biomedical Training” conveys the focal message.

Website visual creative concept:

The website uses three rotating visuals that symbolize TMU’s message of being “Number 1” in biomedical training. Relevant keywords are embedded in the images, such as herbal medicine, aesthetic medicine, stem cells, health and fitness, modern medicine, etc.

Digital Advertisement:

The focus is on keyword management and Facebook ads.

The design of brochures for TMU OCEE:

Several layout designs are provided to TMU OCEE.